Summer 98

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Family Pictures - July/August 1998
(click on the thumbnail picture for a larger image)

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Some of what John did this past summer

Some of what Kara did ALL summer

John's 18th Birthday 0798_1s.jpg (4689 bytes) Happy Birthday to You!! 0798_11s.jpg (3780 bytes) The Last Supper UC898_6s.jpg (5504 bytes)
Birthday at the Buffet King 0798_2s.jpg (3133 bytes) Make a wish John and blow out all the candles!! 0798_12s.jpg (4819 bytes) A Parting Hug UC898_8s.jpg (5194 bytes)
John at the Cottage J81198_3s.jpg (5855 bytes) John's Dorm Room UC898_1s.jpg (4379 bytes) A Parting Tear uc898_21s.jpg (4569 bytes)

Hampton Beach

July 1998

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John's Dorm Room

(his half)

UC898_4s.jpg (7834 bytes) John and Becky coming in from a midnight walk jb0898_3s.jpg (3772 bytes)
Hampton Beach 0798_4s.jpg (4594 bytes) Whew, all moved in at last!! UC898_2s.jpg (5596 bytes) John and Becky during the last evening at the cottage before leaving for UC jb0898_1s.jpg (5274 bytes)
Anne at Hampton Beach 0798_5s.jpg (6106 bytes) Favorite Pillow UC898_3s.jpg (4138 bytes) John at the cottage after the midnight walk jb0898_2s.jpg (4032 bytes)
Wading at Hampton Beach 0798_6s.jpg (6443 bytes) Kara leaves a message UC898_5s.jpg (4639 bytes) Kara and Tiffany at Hershey Park UC898_11s.jpg (4068 bytes)
Exploring the shore 0798_7s.jpg (4274 bytes) John and Anne at UC uc898_20s.jpg (4569 bytes) Ed and Mr. Kit-Kat at Hershey Park UC898_12s.jpg (4425 bytes)
Walking on the beach rocks - a favorite activity 0798_8s.jpg (6060 bytes) John and Ed at UC posing in front of the State Capital UC898_7s.jpg (5772 bytes) Kara and Tiffany at Chocolate World UC898_14s.jpg (5419 bytes)
Hampton Beach 0798_9s.jpg (5998 bytes)

John at the Charleston Mall

UC898_9s.jpg (7045 bytes) Kara makes a friend at Hershey Park UC898_15s.jpg (5024 bytes)
Hampton Beach 0798_10s.jpg (7323 bytes)

John in North Carolina at Oma and Opa's 4/98

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John and Kara

August 1998

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Kara showing off in Oma and Opa's yard 4/98

John and Kara

December 1991

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