March 29,2002 | March 28, 2002 | March 27,2002 | March 25,2002 | March 23,2002 | March 21, 2002 | March20,2002 | March 19, 2002 | Saint Patrick's Day | March 14,2002 | March 13, 2002 | March 12, 2002 | March 11,2002 | March 8,2002 | March 7,2002 | March 5,2002 | March 3, 2002 | March 1, 2002 | February28,2002 | February 26, 2002 | February 25,2002 | February 24,2002 | February 22, 2002 | February 21,2002 | February 20, 2002 | February 19, 2002 | February 18, 2002 | February 17,2002 | February 16,2002 | February 15,2002 | Valentines Day | February 13, 2001 | February11,2002 | February 10,2002 | February8,2002 | February 7,2002 | February 6,2002 | February 5,2002 | February 4, 2002 | February3,2002 | February 2,2002 | February 1,2002 | January 31,2002 | January30,2002 | Daily log for January 29,2002 | January28,2002 | Daily Log Page for 1/27/2002 |
February 16,2002 |
WHEN YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN, YOU CAN. There is great power in belief. It will open your eyes, your opportunities will become plain, and your vision can become reality. There is nothing that stands between you and what you want from life except your will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. Everything is possible if you believe it is. You must find the energy and determination to keep going. Your mind will amaze your body and keep it energized. Keep telling yourself, I can do it, I must do it, I will do it. You will only succeed when you believe you can succeed. The only limit to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today. Your mind sets your limits. written by Mentor2006 I get many emails, asking me if this program will work. My answer is yes it does work...If you stay with it you will lose weight...it is not always easy, but it is a safe, sound way to lose weight rather quickly. I also am a firm believer that there are many successful eating programs out there, one must find the one that will work for them and thier lifestyle..but before one can embark on any weight loss journey, one has to decide this is what they want and mean it. Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels.. Today I added progress charts to my web page the link is on my homepage at the top: http://annie03032.tripod.com/ajourneytohealth/. I wish you success in your journey to a healthier thinner you.....