March 29,2002 | March 28, 2002 | March 27,2002 | March 25,2002 | March 23,2002 | March 21, 2002 | March20,2002 | March 19, 2002 | Saint Patrick's Day | March 14,2002 | March 13, 2002 | March 12, 2002 | March 11,2002 | March 8,2002 | March 7,2002 | March 5,2002 | March 3, 2002 | March 1, 2002 | February28,2002 | February 26, 2002 | February 25,2002 | February 24,2002 | February 22, 2002 | February 21,2002 | February 20, 2002 | February 19, 2002 | February 18, 2002 | February 17,2002 | February 16,2002 | February 15,2002 | Valentines Day | February 13, 2001 | February11,2002 | February 10,2002 | February8,2002 | February 7,2002 | February 6,2002 | February 5,2002 | February 4, 2002 | February3,2002 | February 2,2002 | February 1,2002 | January 31,2002 | January30,2002 | Daily log for January 29,2002 | January28,2002 | Daily Log Page for 1/27/2002 |
February 26, 2002 |
"Success isn't something you chase. It's something you have to put forth the effort for constantly. Then maybe it'll come when you least expect it. Most people don't understand that." ~Michael Jordan
I am on cloud nine. Today I got a phone call from Michael Thurmond, telling me how pleased he was that the program is working for me.. It was a conference call with others on as well, including Al (the makeover specialist on the provida board), who I just adore.
It just made me realize that the people involved with this program really do care, they want you to succeed. At one point we were talking about my exercise program and Michael gave me some suggestions on how to make it work better for me,. I dont look a gift horse in the mouth, so starting tommorrow my exercise plan has been revised...lol...
We are so fortunate in this country of ours to have the freedom of choice. The choice I made last October has changed my life...for the better. I like who I am and I like where I am going. When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror I see a much happier person looking back(not to mention much thinner).
Michael and Al, thanks for making my day