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On The road again |
Change always comes bearing gifts.
~Price Pritchett
A little over two years ago, when I first decided to try and change my physical unhealthy self, I had no clue what gifts would become mine. I have been given the gift of living as a healthy active adult, who likes who they are both on the inside and out. My inner being and outer being are in harmony for the first time in my adult life....and this is such a gift.
My journey has taken me to so many wonderful places both physically and emotionally. It has also been a gift to be able to give back to others what has been given to me.
I have worked as an online body makeover specialist partime for Provida for just about a year now. I have had the great fortune of meeting many people . My life is so much better because of it.
I haven't journaled for a week now because of my busy schedule. I have now been back on program a hundred percent for the last six weeks and feel like a million dollars.
Tomorrow I have the great fortune of traveling to LA once again to partake in the next infomercial. I will be gone for four days and feel so blessed to be part of something that I value so much. Michael Thurmond's six week makeover saved my life and sanity, and if by being involved with the next infomercial , I can help change someones health and life then that will be the biggest gift of all. I am happy and healthy and want to share it with all I meet.
Have a great week... will write of my escapades upon my return.