It really is all about passion. To be successful in anything I believe you must be passionate
about your goal. I find that being healthy, and eating on plan and exercising is so important to fuel ones passion.
I have struggled with getting back on plan for several months. One of my friends said
I lost my "diet mojo". She was right. I had somehow tucked away my passion for living lean and healthy.
It was difficult to find the passion, but with help from some friends on the internet, who also
had reached goal and were struggling to relose a few pounds, I am once again passionate in my quest to be healthy.(my soul
for healthy living is on fire).
The plan that I live by is called, Michael Thurmond's six week makeover." It is all about
eating right and exercising. There is a forum for people who live this lifestyle. It can be found at
There are hundreds of different threads can discuss the eating plan, exercise techniques,
and there are many support threads. This community was my backbone when first I lost the weight 7 years ago.
So I decided to start a thread there called back on track and it is for people
who had made it to goal , but had put on some poundage and desired to get it off once and for all.
What a motivating and inspiring group of women. As a group, we encouage each other to
be the best we can be. I have been back on plan now 22 days and have lost 8 pounds(Wednesday is weigh in day).
The passion that exudes from the online discussions in this thread has given me back my mojo....and
to those who are a part of that thanks.