Today is weigh in day for me and I lost another pound and a half, to total 13 pounds
since January 2nd. It really is one small step at a time for me. As those of you that have dealt with weight issues
know, if I hadn't been living this lifestyle this could have been a gain of 13 I am good with this.
Taking one step at a time... breaking down your goal into attainable small goals does
work. It can be overwhelming to look at the final goal when it is such a large one. When I first started this
plan 7 years ago I knew I couldn't dwell on losing 125 pounds, it seemed so out there, so unreachable. So I broke it
down. I had to look at the pieces of the goal, figure out what I needed to do to obtain the final goal and then just
focus on the small steps. I knew I had to eat right, drink more water and exercise. So I made mini goals and I
still am. One of my goals that I have been working towards is drinking 100 ounces of water a day. I have made
this goal for all but two days. Another goal was to get in 4 days of resistant training a week...I started out with
2 days and now for the last few weeks I have managed to get in at least 5 days a week of resistant training, I have surpassed
my goal. I also wanted to increase the amount of cardio I did in each session, so I started at 30 mins and now after
6 weeks I have been doing an hour daily... another goal met.
I also have put mini goals for my weight loss. I have a goal that I desired
to reach of 15 pounds by vacation, being at 13 pounds, it could be doable, however I have only been losing 1.5 pounds a week
and only have a week left...I may or may not make this goal, but as long as I am striving for it, and doing all that I can,
then that is the best I can do.
Small steps towards your goal works...eventually you will get there. Just remember
this is not a race, but a journey to a healthier fit you.