February 14, 2005
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"You'll never share real love until you love yourself." Author Unknown
Many who are overweight can't find it in them to
love themselves. It can be most difficult to love yourself when you hate the body in which you are housed. It is
time to start loving yourself, start taking care of yourself.
For many New Years resolutions have taken a back burner.
Today is a new day, you can be and do anything you want.
I was one of the fortunate ones. I have always liked
the inner me I just didn't like the outer me. It truly does affect every aspect of your life. Your relationships
suffer, your goals suffer. Many put off doing things they want to do until they lose weight.
Today love yourself enough to do something special
just for you. Take time to read, or take a bubble bath. Enjoy the moment.
Stop and reflect what it is you want and make a plan
to obtain that. Once you have formulated the plan put it into action. Dreams are plans that have never been acted upon.
Love yourself enough to get healthy. Only you can change your eating habits. Only you can start exercising.
It is time to love yourself enough to make your dream of being thin and fit a reality. Don't put it off.
Start today!
Happy Valentines Days all!
