May 19th, 2006
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Today while working on the Provida boards, I came across a post
that really made me remember what it was like to be just starting out, with such a tremendous task at hand. Basically
the person was talking about her feelings and how she felt depressed about her weight now that she was doing the plan, and
how normally she was not depressed even though she was overweight. She thought she was very happy with who she was,
but once starting to change her lifestyle she found her mood to be off.
This was my response to her(because I remember feeling the same
When you feel that you are way out of control, as I did when I began this program almost five years ago, looking at the overall picture can
be overwhelming. I too felt depressed when I first began, it is a scary journey to embark upon and even scarier is knowing
you have the tools to change your life and they work. It comes down to admittimg that you are overweight and knowing that
it is up to you and you alone to change. There are many people willing to help and give you support along the way, but this
is a solitary journey. One you can do and be successful with, I know I have taken the journey. I found that if I made
small mini goals for myself and stopped looking at the end goal I felt better. I kept reminding myself that if I worked the
program for today then I was healthier than I was yesterday. I kept telling myself that I could do anything for six weeks,
then I would evaluate my progress and go from there, but to really be able to evaluate the plan, I had to give it 100 percent
and nothing less. After the first six weeks and having lost a considerable amount of weight, that was incentive enough to
continue. In all my years I had never been successful in losing weight, and this time I realized that I could be. As for
the cravings..get yourself away from the food. Take a walk, come online and read the forum... look at the success forum. These
people that have been successful were once where you are...at the beginning of their journey and they made it.. a step at
a time. Make this plan your priority, You can do this. You should be proud of yourself for starting to change what
needs to be changed. As you continue you will find that you start feeling better about who and what you are. Many of us have
ignored what we have done to our bodies and when faced with the reality daily of what we have done and what we need to do
really hits a core deep within. The self loathing and the selfdoubt come to the surface and we need to get beyond it and know
that I can either continue on this road of destruction or in just a few months I can be well on my way to a new healthier
me. It is worth the sacrifices and the effort. Believe in yourself Annie