October 2, 2006
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"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a
struggle and a victory."
Who would have thought that almost five years living
this way that I was still in the struggle stage. I guess I need to define victory.
Victory for me will be when I have maintained my weight
give or take five pounds for at least six months....trust me I will let you know when that happens....so I guess that means
I am still in the struggle stage...it has been a longggg one.
I am eating on plan, exercising and living the lifestyle
that I should be. It has been over a month since I started making this lifestyle my priority once again. I am
staying away from the scale, because a scale should not be what controls what I do or don't do.
The summer is over and once again I am back to a routine.
I do thrive in structure and so much more gets done when I plan. Today I started back doing flylady(it is a program that structures
your cleaning and errands). I have talked about being the all or nothing gal and fly lady does not allow that to
happen...you just start where you are at and work a little each day and over time everything gets done...
Today I got up and made the beds, cleaned the bathroom,
ate, went to the gym...food shopped...cooked 2 bulk dinners, divided them and froze them....made dinner for Ed...did two washes
and now the evening is mine.....and stayed on plan all day... still have 24 ounces of water to get in...but I will.
Well dinner is calling...have a great one all...
One day at a time....whatever it takes.... continue
to walk the walk and make your goal a reality.