May 9,2005
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"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots;
the other, wings."
Hodding Carter
This past year has been a year of change and of learning. Learning that as a
parent, the time had arrived that I had dreamed of for years. Both my children on their own,learning to be responsible
adults. I know in my heart that this is what a good parent prays for as they watch their children grow. It was
so very difficult last August to say good bye to my daughter, Kara, as she started her freshman year at college, thousands
of miles from home. My son,John now engaged, living in another state. The house so empty and my heart so full.
The empty nest syndrome had come to be.
It was so difficult at first, the absolute quietness of the house, the hours
of free time,feeling such a loss...my children spreading their wings.. It has taken months to get used to, just in time
for summer vacation! Kara will be home in four days. I can't wait to have her here again for three months. We
have not seen her since Christmas. I am sure she has changed, matured, and enjoyed being on her own. Ed and I
have renewed our relationship in regards to each other..for years it has been so entangled in the kids lives, and it
is so nice to realize, after all is said and done, that he trully is my best friend.
Yes, four days left ..the quiet peacefulness, soon to change to a bubbly chaos.
Our house will once again be a home filled with noise and kids....I am looking forward to the summer........ I think.