Five years ago today I embarked upon an incredible journey…a journey to the new me.
This journey has been and is just like climbing a mountain...with each step forward,
the goal that much closer. There were times along the way, that one had to stop and rest, once rested, the key was to
continue....There were and are struggles as you journey, whether it be eating something not on program, an upsetting life
event, or a celebration. all can
blur your vision...we all get tired at some point along the climb...but the key is to keep not be caught up in
the want of the not sabotage tomorrow for the cookie today.
I often thought “one step at a time”
I can do this.
Along the way I have had glorious things occur...and have taken time to celebrate the
moment as it is....I came to this program, not liking what I had become physically, and feeling
like a failure. I had spent years
attempting to lose weight only to lose sight of what I was doing...and would walk away feeling like I had failed myself...
This program lf gave me motivation to continue... it is so healthy and sound. We travel this journey by ourselves for no one
else can lose the weight for us, but others are there to help us along the way...take advantage of them. Whether it is a significant other, or an inspirational person... Blend this work with pleasure... enjoy
who and what you are...reach out for that hand when you need it....but always keep your head up and always keep your goal
in view....
I reached that goal four years ago yesterday…..did
the journey end? No, it was only one part of the journey. “The road
to success is always under construction”, sums up my last four years of maintaining or better yet of learning to eat
and live healthy. Sometimes I feel like it is three steps forward two steps back. My eating and living style has definitely
changed over these past five years. There are times I lose a battle, but deep down I know I am winning the war.
have always been an all or nothing type gal... that is why losing the weight was actually easy because I followed the plan
as written...thriving in the structured simplicity of the plan itself and the rewards along the way were incredible.
the day came that I no longer had to lose weight; I had to learn to live in a land I never had lived... I went from the land
of all or nothing to the land of MODERATION. Such a difficult place for me. I am learning that moderation is the key.
Whether it is eating, or exercising or working or cleaning...I am learning… just because I am eating a certain food
that I really does not mean I have to eat it till it is gone....I don't need to exercise to the point of injuring myself because
I was trying to lift heavier. I am learning that my house doesn't have to be immaculate or in complete disarray...
it can be comfortable... and that is a good thing. So I guess it comes down to the fact that I am not really struggling
with maintenance but I am struggling with learning...and need to accept that this is going to be an ongoing process.....
one piece of advice I would give to those who have reached goal would be to continue to use this community…continue
to give support and get it…keep this plan as your focus.
recent statistic I read is that 95 percent of people who lose weight have regained it all back within five years…. Don’t
be part of that 95 percent…. Don’t make this plan just another diet, make it a lifestyle change as it is intended
to be and you too will live the life you have always dreamed about.
you all for being here and for being such a big part of my being successful in living the good life.
much gratitude,