April 22, 2005
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"It is one of the strange ironies of this strange life that those who
work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order
to achieve a goal, are the happiest people."
Brutus Hamilton
I can't stress enough how true that quote is for me.
Even though I spend most of my days eating a strict healthy food plan, and exercise for 2 hours per day and drink over 100
ounces of water daily, I am happier today than I was four years ago.
The benefits so out weigh the sacrifices.
This way of life has brought me to a place I never dreamed possible. I can honestly say that nothing tastes as good
as losing weight feels and mean it.
Since January of this past year, I have been
working towards getting back to my goal weight and I am happy to say I am five pounds away from achieving that. Last
year was such a struggle for me with my shoulder and knee injury...I could not go to the gym...and started putting on weight
even though I was eating as I had been previously on maintenance...then back came the frame of mind that I might as well eat
things I want, I was gaining weight anyway. Did that make me happy?? No, it just frustrated me more, and
I was afraid that my new found freedom.... my new way of life... was slipping out of my hands. It scared the hell out of me.
I stopped and reflected. I did not want to be fat again.. I remember the pain...the embarrasment... the physical trials.....no
I NEVER want that in my life again. So I made up my mind that is was time to work hard once again, get control and go
So, for the last three months I have been living
the lifestyle and feeling happy and free once again. It can be so hard to get back on track once you lost your way, even in
some ways tougher than when you first started, but it is really worth the work and the sacrifices. I am happy once again and
hope to have the other five pounds off by the time we are up the Lakehouse for the summer. Life is good.