March 9,2007
Home | March 9,2007 | October 11, 2006 | October 2, 2006 | September 29,2006 | September 26, 2006 | June 24,2006 | May 21, 2006 | May 19th, 2006 | May 18, 2006 | January 5, 2006 | November 12, 2005 | November 1, 2005 | October 25, 2004 | October 11, 2005 | August 29, 2005 | August 14,2005 | June 22, 2005 | June 1, 2005 | May 9,2005 | May 6, 2005 | April 22, 2005 | April 12, 2005 | April 8, 2005 | April 3, 2005 | March 13, 2005 | February 19, 2005 | February 17 2005 | February 15, 2005 | February 14, 2005 | February 8, 2005 | February 7,2005 | February 4, 2005 | February 2, 2005 | January 30,2005 | January 27, 2005 | January 26,2005 | January 25,2005 | January 24,2005 | Sometime in November 2004 | About Me
"The secret of success is to stop dreaming and start doing."
Donald Trump
If one dreams only and never takes action
to make the dreams a reality one will only stay where one is today. I can't tell you how many times in my life I dreamed
about being thin. Probably thousands of times....I used to think it didn't happen because I didn't want it enough.
Truth is it didn't happen because I wasn't willing to make the effort. I wasn't willing to take action and change my
It it a lot of work, eating right, staying
on plan, exercising, giving up excuses and doing this day in and day out.
I feel fortunate for me it finally clicked,
it finally all came together. I found a program that worked if I was willing to work the program.
As time goes by...almost six years I find
that there are time my way of life slips away and is no longer a priority, when that happens I find I start a down hill slide.
It is then when I need to make the effort to take action and get back on track.
It has been since Oct since I have written
here. No I had not fallen off the earth, just had some rough times....had some medical issues that I have been dealing
with(it is a bitch getting old)..then was feeling very sorry for myself...but alas I have snapped out of it.
I have returned to the losing weight plan
and have been 100 percent since Monday. I also sought out some needed support with two very good friends who have been
where I am.
So I am BACK... and will journal once a week
. Journaling for me keeps it real.