June 22, 2005
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"Seasons changed and so have I...."
Yesterday, when I was grocery shopping I ran into an old neighbor. I hadn't seen her since I started this plan,
almost 4 years ago. I said hello to her by name and she said hi and I could tell right away she had no clue who I was.
When she lived two houses away from me, we spent quite a bit of time together and it was really strange to see that blank
look. After I had first lost the weight, it happened all the time, I had to reintroduce myself to people, but it has
been a long time since it has happened. People are used to the new me.
I simply said, it is me, Annie to her and her mouth dropped. She said as soon as she heard my voice, she knew she
recognized it, but just couldn't place it. We talked for awhile and then went our seperate ways.
That meeting for me was a renewal of sorts, it made me think of where I am now and where I have come from. I really
had forgotten how different I must look now, than I did four years ago. I think I spend too much time focusing on my
weight fluctuating up and down 5-10 pounds. I need to be more accepting of who I am now and what I have accomplished.
Yesterday that chance meeting made me realize that I am not fat anymore, yes I struggle maintaining my weight,
but I am sure most "normal" women struggle with keeping their weight where they want it and keeping themselves fit and healthy.
Yes , being fit and healthy and always keeping it a priority is my way of life now and I am so very grateful.