September 29,2006
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Weight loss itself
is not the goal. Learning to eat healthy for the rest of our lives is what the journey is all about.
These words jumped out at me today. Losing the weight for me was so much easier than
learning to eat healthy forever. Forever is a long time. A road to success is always under construction sums up my last
four years of maintaining or better yet of learning to eat and live healthy. Sometimes I feel like it is three steps
forward two steps back.
My eating and living style has definately changed over these past five years and sometimes I lose
a battle but deep down I know I am winning the war.
I have always been an all or nothing type gal... that is why losing the weight was actually easy
because I followed the plan as written...thriving in the structured simplicity of the plan itself. The rewards along
the way were incredible.
But the day came that I no longer had to lose weight, I had to learn to live in a land I never had
lived... I went from the land of all or nothing to the land of MODERATION. Such a difficult place for me. I
am learning that moderation is the key. Whether it is eating, or exercising or working or cleaning...I am learning just
cuz I am eating a certain food that I really like I dont need to eat it til it is gone....I don't need to exercise to the
point of injurying myself because I was trying to lift heavier. I am learning that my house doesn't have to be
immaculate or in a complete disarray... it can be comfortable... and that is a good thing. So I guess it comes
down to the fact that I am not really struggling with maintenance but I am struggling with learning...and need to accept that
this is going to be an ongoing process.....