October 25, 2004
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Almost There
Even when it seems that you're not making progress, you most likely are. The biggest breakthroughs
often come after a long period of being stuck.
If you're making a focused, determined effort, then you are making
positive progress, even if you can't see it yet. Keep going, for the breakthrough will come.
It is impossible to create
value without receiving value in return. Keep working to create value, and the value you seek will come to you in time.
next bit of effort may be what finally makes everything start falling into place. You may already be so close to the goal
that you can almost touch it.
Keep going, for your efforts will pay off. Keep on acting with purpose, with focus and
The path to the top of the mountain of accomplishment will grow steeper as you near the summit. When the
going gets difficult, keep going, for it means you're almost there.
~ Ralph Marston
I found that while I was searching the web, looking for inspiration.
It has been awhile since I updated. I am still dealing with 15 pounds. It seems that I do fine during the week,and then
go off track on the weekend, thus creating my weight to remain the same. This would be fine if I were at goal, but I
am not. I keep on plugging, but find it so frustrating at times. Recently I was pop for ten days in a row and
lost nothing...after reading the above passage I realized that I just have to keep on going and this too shall pass.
I really need to give it my all . I plan on remaining on plan no exception until Thanksgiving Day. So you may find that
my journal is being written in more as it helps me be accountable and it helps me reflect and plan....
I noticed that I wrote in August of my daughter Kara and her dealings
with hurricane Katrina... she is settling into RPI in Troy, and will be heading back to Tulane in January when it reopens.
She and I are flying to New Orleans in two weeks, to see what can be salvaged of her belongings in her dorm room. We
have been informed that she lost everything that was in storage. I think it has been a good life lesson for her...and
that she has come away from it more mature and more understanding. I have always told her life is not fair and the sooner
she realized that the better off she would be. I am very proud of the way she has handled this. It really puts
into perspective what is important in life. It also shows that obstacles are made to be climbed and not to block your
goals in life.
John and Becky are getting closer and closer to their wedding day, it
is 8 months away...so many decisions to be made... so much fun in the planning.
Ed travels quite a bit and it sure does make me appreciate him all the
more. Every weekend is like a mini vacation. I enjoy his company so.
My business is going well and between work,Provida, and keeping the
house I have been quite busy.
Well I have to go and do my resistant training.
I am happy to say I am still doing cardio 5-7 days a week and resistant
training at least 4 days a week since we are back home and the gym is around the corner.
Make your dreams your reality! Have a great pop day!