I will aim for progress, not perfection. I will remember that my progress will be in direct
proportion to my honest efforts to become the best me I can be. I can chose who I will become.
I will remember that each of us is different and in order for me to LIVE I must LET LIVE. I
do not have to like everyone and everything. By learning to like myself better, I will find I like others better. I often
resent or dislike in others the things I see in myself. I can change these things in me, but not in them.
I will use my talents and gifts. I will not deny these beautiful things in me. I will develop
them and therefore me.
I will apologize and make amends if I have harmed myself or someone else. I will not apologize
for doing my best, even if I don't always succeed. I will not allow myself to be crippled by fear, guilt or shame.
I will be more honest about what I can or cannot do. I will be willing to say "No" or "I don't
know" and stick by it. I will not let the opinions of others, real or imagined, trap me into going against my better judgement.
I will take time to THINK. I do not have to react to pressure, real or imagined. I will test
my actions by " How important is it to me?" If it is important to me, then I will act.
I will remember that I always have a choice. I can choose my attitude. My thoughts and feelings
are not right or wrong. They are simply a part of me. It is what I choose that counts.
I will remember that the journey is its own reward, and therefore I will be patient, but not