January 5, 2006
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An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays
up to make sure the old year leaves.
~Bill Vaughan People
are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat
between the New Year and Christmas.
~Author Unknown
Happy New Year!
Wow it has been awhile since I posted here. Life is busy..
The holidays were wonderful.. We celebrated Thanksgiving at the lakehouse and Christmas was at home.
I am plugging away. I am still up some, but living the lifestyle..eating six small meals,
exercising daily.
Ed and I will be going to Jamaica next month to celebrate my fiftieth birthday.
Kara is returning to Tulane University next week...this time I am going with her to get her settled
in and to make sure it is safe in New Orleans.
John and Becky are doing well and are getting married this June...wedding plans are their focus.
My business has been slow through the holidays..hopefully it will pick up.
Life is good and I am looking forward to 2006 and am certainly glad 2005 is behind me now.