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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April 9, 2002 |
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Today, I will share a story that happened to me yesterday. I know that losing 86.5 pounds is quite a bit, yet my fat mind has not caught up with my thinner body, I still see myself in my mind's eye as extremely obese. I also didn't realize how drastically different I look to others. Here is a true story.
While at work yesterday I went to the teacher's room to copy some material, and there was a teacher and a parent volunteer in there. I went about my business and even asked the volunteer( who I know as an aquaintance) a question regarding the new copier. About fifteen minutes later, I went back to the teachers room to copy another file and the parent volunteer was still there.
She looked up at me and said, "I need to share this with you, Annie. When you left abit ago I asked the teacher if, Annie Xxxxx, the nurse, had a sister substituting in the school because the woman that was just here, looked and sounded a lot like her. The teacher then told me that it was her!!.. I did not recognize you...It is amazing.."
I smiled and told her thank you...I guess I must look different......
"Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels"

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