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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
October 2,2002 |
"Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point".
-Harold B. Melchart
This journey has been just like climbing a mountain...with each step forward one's goal is that much closer. There are times along the way, that one has to stop and rest,once rested the key is to continue....There are struggles as you journey whether it be eating something not on program, an upsetting life event, a celebration..all can blur your vision...we all get tired at some point along the climb..but the key is to keep going....to not get caught up in the want of the moment....to not sabotage tomorrow for the cookie today. I often think..one step at a time..I can do this.
Along the way I have had glorious things occur...and have taken time to celebrate the moment as it is....I came to this program, not liking what I had become physically, feeling like a failure, I had spent years attempting to lose weight only to lose sight of what I was doing...and would walk away feeling like I had failed myself... This program itself gave me motivation to continue... it is so healthy and sound. We travel this journey by ourselves for no one else can lose the weight for us, but others are there to help us along the way...take advantage of them..whether it is a significant other, or an inspirational person... Blend this work with pleasure... enjoy who and what you are...reach out for that hand when you need it..but alway keep your head up and always keep your goal in view.... You can do this!