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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
July 6,2002 |
22 Years ago today, my son John was born. We had had one of the wild fourth of July parties that young couples have.. It was still going on 2 days later. We had a bunch of people sleeping everywhere in our small house( my parents included) when I got up to go the bathroom and my water broke six weeks early.. I can remember being terrified that the inevitable was about to happen, that this baby was going to be born.
Now 22 years later he is the kind of young man any parent would want. He is bright, talented, ambitious and kind. As those of you who have read my journal know, he graduated from college last May. He will being starting his Master's program this fall in audio production and I couldn't be happier.
The road to 22 was not always an easy one... back when he was in high school I remember changing my goals for him.. Originally it had been graduate from High School and on to college..but there was a time there that I changed my goal to healthy and alive...and prayed every day for that...but that difficult time passed and he emerged from his teen age years not only reaching my original goal but surpassing it.. For all of you dealing in the teen years...there is a light at the end of the tunnel...just keep loving them unconditionally... they do become normal again...I thank God everyday for that.
Long term goals do need to be evaluated every so often and sometimes changed if they are unrealistic, or perhaps divided into mini goals. It can be the only way to survive at times..
Happy Birthday and may your life be blessed with as wonderful children as dad and I have been blessed with. I am so very proud and pleased with the man you have become..
I love you
xxx oooo
Finish your milk and say your prayers.........