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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April 24, 2002 |
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." --Anatole France
I find myself dreaming of the future with mixed emotions. I am really excited cuz I know I am going to make it to goal. I believe in myself and my dreams and I have been acting in such a way those dreams will become reality.
I know how to lose weight what scares me more is keeping it off. I hope I have the strength and conviction to do so. I have given all my "fat" clothes away hoping that will help, will be sad if all I have to wear is my birthday suit....
Life has been very hectic, bet you all thought I had given up writing in this journal. I haven't..... just been ultra busy. This week I am on vacation from school so I scheduled all those things we all hate to do... A mammogram, lab work, a doctor's appt...add to that we opened up our lakehouse this past weekend, then I came home to finally spring clean my regular house, also did some fund raising for my Destination Imagination Team's trip to global finals the end of May. I am leaving a week from tomorrow to got to my inlaw's in North Carolina( it is thier fiftieth anniversary) then on to West Virginia on Saturday for my son's graduation from college on Sunday..then back to New Hampshire on Monday.
May your weeks ahead not be as hectic as mine!!
The program is going well, I feel great and still manage to get to the gym everyday.. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I promise I will post...
May you smile at the simple things today.