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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April 3, 2002 |
"He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life. . . . But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidents, chaos will soon reign."
Victor Hugo
Planning ...I believe is the key to it all. If we take the time to plan our actions...plan our eating..... plan our days..then there is a solid path to follow which will help us stay focused on our immediate as well as long term goals.
So for me I plan everything when it comes to the six week body makeover. I cook on one day of the weekend it takes about three hours and then I portion and freeze it.
I also plan my exercise routine. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I do nautilus and weight training. On Mondays Wednesdays and Sundays I do cardio for an hour. I leave Friday open, either as a free day or a makeup day should I have had to change my schedule.
I also plan my "hiatus days". That means I plan when I am not going to eat on plan and what I am going to eat. I do this well in advance, so there is no doubt in my mind what is going to occur. My next scheduled hiatus day is April 13th. That is the day of competition for my DI team. I just found out that we will be going out for chinese food after the competition. I plan on going and eating chinese food in moderation and also I will have a couple of drinks.
We have to make our eating plan workable for our lives.. It can be done it just takes a little time and planning.
Good luck!

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