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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April26,2002 |
I love myself; I believe in myself; I will forgive those who offend me;
I believe in my family; I deserve the best; I get the best;
I believe that success is result of intelligent effort; I believe in prayer; I believe I will get out of my life exactly what I put in to it.
Author Unknown
Repeatedly I am asked why do you think you have been most successful, with this eating plan? The answer I think lies in one's mindset and finding a program that works for you and your lifestyle. How I HATED being fat, but I never hated myself. I HATED the looks from strangers, the way clothes fit, my inablitity to walk up a flight of stairs at the age of 45 without being short of breath. I hated all the embarrassments of what happens to a fat person in a normal world. Most of all I hated going on diet after diet only proving to myself and others that again I failed.
That fateful morning last September, when I saw Michael Thurmond's infomercial, made something from within spark.. my thoughts filled with hope... It sounded sensible, almost unbelievable..too good to be true.
After thinking about it for two days I went ahead ordering it, really wanting it to be the solution to my problem, all the time thinking deep within the recesses of my mind that I would put this in the cabinet with all the other failed attempts... But I made up my mind to try it for six weeks, whether I lost 2 or 30 pounds...if I wasn't happy with the results, I would stop and never attempt to diet again.. I would resolve myself to the fact that I was a fat person and would remain so.
Other than my weight issues I had and have a wonderful life..a great husband... two super kids, a rewarding job as an RN in a school system...I have two homes, one a summer house right on a small lake nestled in the mountains of New Hampshire(the pic on my homepage was taken by me from the dock).
So October 11, 2002 came to be and my eating style has now changed forever. At first I walked three times a week and nothing more, as time went on and the weight came off I evolved in many ways. It is 28 weeks later, I am 94.5 pounds thinner, I have 29.5 pounds more to go..I have gone from a size 24 to a size 12 and now I love my outershell as much as I love who I am...
If you have come across my webpage for inspiration and in hopes of finding that which will work for you, go take a peek at :
www.providacorp.com it is where you will find your answers and your way to a healthier, thinner you.

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