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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
August 20,2002 |
It has been a very busy few days, the summer is coming to an end and school will be starting soon. I am very grateful for the wonderful summer I have had. It has been such a gift to spend the last five weeks on vacation with my husband. In a world where we are all so busy working and living ...to have the opportunity to stop the regular routine and renew one's relationship is wonderful.
This summer we have played really hard. I have been able to enjoy so much more in the physical sense than I was able to a year ago. I have boated, canoed, waterskiied, climbed mountains,and taken walks. I have enjoyed the little things in life.
At times I have strayed from my journey, but I have managed to return and continue. I am grateful for my husband's support and help. He is the wind beneath my sail. He believes in me and when times have been difficult, he has taken my hand and gently has lead the way.
Yesterday was our 25th Wedding Anniversary(our kids had given us a party last month) and the two of us quietly slipped away from everyone and spent a wonderful day together. Thanks for being there for me, Spaceman.. I never thought it possible, but I love you more today than the day we married...You are the best!