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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
July 27,2002 |
The Woman in the Mirror
Walking past the mirrored glass,
I take a timid peek,
I see a woman staring back,
I'm too choked up to speak.
The puffiness, at last, is gone,
The skin is pink and glowing,
The many pounds that melted off,
Finally, is showing.
When did she get so pretty?
When did God remove the grief ?
How did this miracle happen?
Who provided the relief ?
What a gift! A second chance!
I thank God every day,
For His grace in showing me,
There IS a better way.
I walk, I dance, I make love too,
My heart is filled with gladness,
I'm out of bondage, out of pain,
There is no room for sadness.
This woman in the mirror,
Smiles softly back at me,
She has good cause to be so pleased,
She's finally been set free.
Author Unknown
I look back over the past the past nine months still in awe of this journey of mine. I thank God every day that I have found this new way of life. This past spring and summer has been full of many incredible events in my life. It has been packed solid with special celebrations...graduations, weddings, a world competition, vacations,my inlaws fiftieth wedding anniversary, and last but not least Ed's and mine 25th Anniversary.
For the last two weeks we have had family and friends staying with us from out of state, at one point there were well over twenty people staying with us. Following my new way of life was not my focus...my journey has had some detours...I have strayed here and there...never guilty...but I alone have slowed this process.
The house is quiet now..friends and family have gone back to thier own lives and I am sitting here quietly reflecting on the wonderful times that we shared...but it is time to get back on track..to go forward...to take hold of my eating plan and my life..
I have gained five pounds back..but eating off program was my choice. Am I guilty? Not at all.. A little disapointed that I have pushed my goal further away.. But..this is life..we need to accept that which we have done...for every action this is a consequence....and now it is time to move forward in a positive direction...starting with the first step.
I can do this and I will...