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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
June4, 2002 |
June 4, 2002... Summer is around the corner. I have two weeks of school left before summer vacation. One of the advantages to my job is to be able to take the summer off. This year I look to summer a little differently than other years. It is now that I am formulating my plans for the summer, how I am gonna incorporate my eating program and exercise while living at the lakehouse.
I already searched the web looking for a gym, but no real luck on that. The area we spend our summer at is actually a beautiful serene place. Walking should be enjoyable. I guess I could pack my bands and do that instead of going to a gym, but I really enjoy my morning treks to the gym, I was reviewing my progress with weight lifting and the nautilus and I have come a long way since January. I really dont want to give it up, but the gym is an hour away from the lakehouse. I go to the gym 6-7 times a week, not because I have to but because I want to , which is still unbelievable to me.
I feel like I am getting antsy to be at goal, I just want this journey to finish, so that I may begin the new phase," lean living", my mother always told me that patience is a virtue..but..... I had hoped to be there by the time summer rolled around thinking to be able to incorporate some things back into my eating plan would be nice. It now looks as though I will hit goal sometime in late July. So I will take the last lap of this journey one step at a time and what will be, will be.