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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
August 25,2002 |
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
and the courage to change the things I can."
This past ten days has been a whirlwind of activity. My hubby and I snuck away for an overnight on our anniversary. We had a great time and he surprised me with a diamond... I had lost mine three years ago. The ring is beautiful but the love it represents even more so.
I then came home, went and worked all day then left for Cape Cod for the remainder of the week with my best friend Peg, and her mother Mal. All we did was laugh, swim, shop and laugh some more.
While I was there my son called to let me know he was accepted at Mcgill University in Montreal (he will be working towards his Masters in audio production). That meant when I returned Saturday morning, I had to go to look for an apartment for him. The whole family went looking and we did find a great apartment, in New York, about 40 miles from Montreal. So on Saturday I started in Cape Cod and ended up in Canada...just a bit of driving. So now John and his girlfriend Becky are moving there this week....classes start next week....So again it is rushing , and shopping and helping them pack.
I must admit that I have been on the lean living part of this program for the last couple of weeks, even though I have ten pounds more to go. I really have been having some difficulty settling down and taking the last ten pounds off.. But summer is over and I am ready..thus the reason for the prayer quoted on the top of my page.
I am not sure why I am having such difficulty getting this last ten pounds off, I realize it is all a mind over matter and that I have to buckle down....and now that is my plan....
Hoping both you and I have an on target day....