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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
Father's Day |
"Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy."
Our children are so fortunate to have such a fantastic, loving father. I met Ed when I was 15; little did I know that 31 years later I would still be in awe of the person he is. Not only is he a great husband, but I could not find anyone better to be a role model for my children. He is hard working,honest and always willing to give of himself to those who need him.
When the kids were little he would come home from work, and would take over after dinner, getting them ready for bed, reading to them, whatever needed to be done. Some men might have thought it a chore, he looked forward to it.
He has always taken an active part in the raising of our children and it shows. We have great,level headed,compassionate kids.
Our children have grown up knowing that although we may not always love or even like what they have done, they are unconditionally loved. I remember once when John was a teenager and Ed was giving some unwanted advice, he told John to get used to it, whether he was 2 or 22 or 52 it was his right as a dad to give his opinion, what John did with it would be another story.
I can only pray that my children's children will be as fortunate as they have been.
I love you, Spaceman!