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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April Fool's Day |
 Happy April Fool's everyone!!
I have been asked through email and posts...What about exercise?
I am now a firm believer that exercise is the component that brings it all together to be successful.
I can't believe that I ( a former couch potato of the grandest kind) is saying this. Where does one start?
Well the program says to do accelerated fat burning program. That means to exercise using abdominal breathing at 60 percent of one's target heart rate. For me it means walking so that my heart rate stays around 116. The theory behind this is if you are walking so that your heart beat is lower than this, then you are not burning fat, and if you are walking in the "cardio" range of 80 percent you are burning glycogen instead of fat.. Add to this the proper abdominal breathing and you have the perfect workout for losing weight.
So in the beginning I walked for about 45 minutes three times a week.. I did not do my bands intitially for I felt I had so much to lose that I did not want to start toning..( right or wrong that is how I thought and what I did).
The time came when I noticed I needed to begin toning so I tried "the bands" for a few weeks. I found them to be inconvenient and I was not sure if I was doing the toning correctly even though I had watched the video.. So wanting to tone correctly, at the end of January I joined a local gym and hired myself a trainer. I told her what my goals were, what I was looking to tone, and she developed an 8 week program for me. I spend about an hour every three weeks in a session with her going over my exercise program and tweaking it.
I started out by doing three days of nautilus and weight training and then three days of water aerobics. After talking with Michael Thurmond he suggested that I can the water aerobics and in its place do three days of accelerated fat burning( walking at 60% of my target heart rate), so not looking a gift horse in the mouth, that is what I did.
I am on my 6th week of the program. I walk for an hour three times a week with my heart rate at 116. I also do about an hour of weight lifting/nautilus three times a week, followed by a half hour walk on the treadmill.
I really look forward to my exercise time and never ever thought I would. I go to the gym first thing in the am, most mornings I am there at 5am. I know this seems ghastly, but with my busy schedule, there was no where else to fit it into my day and it really is a great way to start the day.
Enjoy your day..and go and do some exercise, you will be glad you did, no fooling!