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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April 30, 2002 |
"The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. "
-- Robert G. Ingersoll
Sometimes things do not go as planned, and goals that we set just don't happen, not through our own fault, but because of circumstances which arise. It has been my goal to have lost 100 pounds by May 5, 2002. The reason is that it is my son's graduation from college, as well as my anniversary of having graduated from Nursing School 25 years ago. It is getting close and it looks as though it is not going to happen. I have now lost 96.5 pounds..and have five days to lose 3.5 pounds.
Over the weekend I was exercising and hurt my already, bad ankle. Twelve years ago I fractured it and had to have a plate and 6 pins put in. Well I was doing an aerobic tape which called for some kicks into the air, and when I did it, I felt a pop and severe pain in my ankle, I stopped and iced and elevated it for the rest of the evening.
Sunday, being a possessed woman, with this May 5 goal in mind, I went to the gym. I usually walk an hour on the treadmill, but only made 20 minutes because of the pain in the ankle and it started swelling more..so I stopped and took it easy for the rest of the day. Sunday night I awoke three times with shooting pain in my ankle. So at five am, I got dressed and took myself to the Emergency Room at the local hospital. The doctor on duty commented on how swollen it was and hoped that I hadn't broken any of the hardware in my ankle. Off to xray I went, and the results were all pins and the plate were fine, had some soft tissue swelling. He put me in an ankle brace and said no exercise the rest of this week and then I could begin again as tolerated. So I know that without exercise that three and a half pounds will not be gone.. am I discouraged? Yes... am I gonna give up? No way... if Sunday comes and the 100 pound goal hasn't occurred, I am going to accept that which is( I hope), reflect on where I have come from, and continue on my journey to a healthier thinner me.

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