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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April 12, 2002 |
"Readiness is all."
William Shakespeare
Today is measurement day and I have lost a total of 77 inches and 88 pounds.. Who would have thought?
My hips were 55.5 they are now 41...that is 14.5 INCHES smaller
My waist was 45.25 it is now 32.5 a mere 12.75 INCHES smaller
and then there are my thighs they measured in at a whopping 30 inches each, they are now 20.5 each..a loss of 19 INCHES...
It sometime feels like this is a dream.. Looking back over the last six months I feel as though my life has come to order with some sense of sanity and direction. I feel good about what has occurred, yet my fat brain still sees me as fat...I am working on that.. I feel at times that I am walking on egg shells, that this new me is so delicate, and the task at hand so harsh. I need to be able to perserve that which I have accomplished. At times I am getting a little antsy, I want to be at goal...36 pounds more... so close yet so far away. I have to remind myself one day at a time, I cant lose anymore than I have for I have followed the plan, what will be will be....
Tomorrow is my DI teams State Competition, a bit of a stressful week..I am so proud of thier effort, solution and creativity. My wish for them is to feel wonderful about their performance .. I cant help but wonder if there will be the thrill of victory and on to World Finals,.or the agony of defeat and this season will come to a close...Say a prayer for us that they are able to be the best they can be...Have a great weekend all!!