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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
May 18,2002 |
"Determine your goal and set your path"
That is what it is all about. Becoming focused. Many have written me asking if it really works... The answer is it sure does, but one must make it their priority.
We all have challenges to face and times when eating on program are difficult at best. Plan your attack and have the stamina to follow through. If you really want to lose the weight, you just can't dream about it you must make it a reality.
Plan your course, know you are not perfect, when the times get rough, or you have fallen off plan remember your hopes and dreams....brush yourself off and continue upon your journey. This is not a race, but a lifestyle change.
As of last Thursday it has been 31 weeks. I am happier and healthier than I have been in my adult life. I have now lost 101.5 pounds!!!!1 I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am going to make it this time, and so can you!
I am leaving for World Finals for Destination Imagination, but I am bringing my laptop and hope to have more time than I have had lately to write in this journal, May even throw in a picture or two of the adventure.
Have a great weekend,I know I am going to!
Michael Thurmond, where ever you are... I love you!!!! Thanks for making my dream become a reality!