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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
May 1, 2002 |
It is already May!!!! Where has the last seven months gone?? Right now I should be packing my bags as tomorrow right after work, I am catching a plane with my family to go to North Carolina and then over the weekend to West Virginia where we will celebrate my son's graduation from college.
Usually when we take a trip I am already worrying about having to ask for a seat belt extension...or if I am gonna be stuck in the middle seat...Tonight I am just worrying if I will ever finish packing..not in the mood to pack, so here I am procrastinating. and writing in my journal...I will prolly be up to midnight.
I just took a peek in my daughter Kara's room., and every article of clothing she owns are in piles on her floor, next to an empty suitcase...and she is muttering I just don't know what to pack....My husband is watching Startrek and assures me he can pack tomorrow morning...
I feel like I have run around in circles and got nothing done this afternoon. I think I figured out what is missing, I dont think I ever packed for anything without a glass of wine and some munchies..lol.I wonder if a glass of water, some fruit and a bit of chicken might help....
Have a great night all......off to face the madness....
sleep well!