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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
Happy Birthday Kara!! October 8,2002 |
When You need someone
to talk to I hope you will talk to me When you need someone to laugh with I hope you will laugh with me When you need someone to advise you I hope you will turn to me When you need someone to help you I hope you will let me help you I cherish and love everything about you And I will always support you as a parent, as a person and as a friend.
~Susan Polis Schutz~
Seventeen years ago today, my wish to have another child came true. I had a couple of miscarraiges and wanted one so desperately. John was five and a half when Kara came to be. She was our dream come true...even though she was a cranky little one....she was so wanted and we were so blessed. Our family was complete.
Kara, you have been a joy to behold over these last seventeen years..Who could have asked for more? You are seventeen today, beautiful, both inside and out, and have so much to offer the world in which you live. Your amazing intelligence, combined with your determination and your sense of compassion, can only add to the incredible adult you are becoming. I am in awe of your intelligence...and your use of this gift. Dad and I see the energies you have placed in your studies, sacrificing social and free time....your willingness to push ahead,to learn, keeping your focus upon your goals, rather than the moment.
Your choice of friends is remarkable. You have surrounded yourself with bright, kind, and caring people. You have stayed away from drugs and alcohol, you have followed the path that will make you an incredible adult!
I consider myself so fortunate...as most mothers and daughters find these teenage years full of hassles and disappointments, yet I can say you are my best friend!!! Don't forget to finish your milk and say your prayers. You are soooo loved, "Ya-Ya"!

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