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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
September 22,2002 |
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. --John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Group Picture the day of the shoot! |

Today words alone do not seem to be enough.. How do I thank so many for helping me obtain my dream? I am home from LA and the last four days were just AWESOME!!!! How fortunate I am to have met sooo many incredibly inspiring people.
There was Allison and Dolores..always running around, finding people, driving picking up..being the supporters...making everyone comfortable ...always always smiling.
Jeff and Brady could make someone feel comfortable with a train coming right at them.
Matt and Paul have patience of the saints.
I am still not sure how Karen brought it all together so nicely!
Everyone from makeup to in the hotspot were simply wonderful.
Michael...You are a sweety..and very easy to talk to..
I had the best of times and will treasure it all for the rest of my life!
Now for the "losers" I had the privilege of meeting....my life will never be the same.. Each and everyone of you, have inspired me to continue to work towards my dream...Not only did you all LOOK wonderful...the inner you matched. I will be putting a page together with pics that were taken here and there during my stay in LA!
Have a great one all!!!!
Allison, me and Dolores...friends forever! |

Without the support from these two specialists....my dream would not have happened! |